
License: MIT

Hi πŸ‘‹, my name is Josep Lluis Giralt D’Lacoste but you can call me Pep πŸ˜„

On a mission to change the way that teams operate and deliver software as co-founder of BEAMOps software consultancy.


I am a software engineer passionate about technology in general. I like every stage of the delivery process and I’ve been struggling to explain to the market what is it what I like. I like code! It does not matter if it implements some business logic in the application layer or if it declares some resources at the operations layer. If you want to know more about my interests please take a πŸ‘€ at my ventures.

"Pep's website" "Pep's linkedin" "Pep's email" "Pep's strava"


Co-author of Engineering Elixir Applications: Navigate Each Stage of Software Delivery with Confidence


Strava summary ( 2024-02-10 // 2025-02-10 )

Strava sync EX Strava sync ERL

Make it work, then make it beautiful, then if you really, really have to, make it fast. 90 percent of the time, if you make it beautiful, it will already be fast. So really, just make it beautiful! - Joe Armstrong

Without commitment you'll never start, without consistency you'll never finish - Denzel Washington

love ❀️ and peace 🐦 to all